Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What Foods Cause Acne Breakouts?

What Foods Cause Acne BreakoutsWhat Foods Cause Acne Breakouts?
by: Scott Patterson

The old adage, “you are what you eat” cannot be truer than when it comes to common causes of acne. Often individuals who do not consume a healthy diet or whose diet lacks the proper amount of critical vitamins and minerals suffer from acne problems.

Remember, you body must be healthy before your skin can be healthy, so strive to eat a well balanced diet, and dedicate yourself to an active lifestyle in order to enjoy unblemished, smooth, and glowing skin.

If you are experiencing skin problems, instead of treating your body’s largest organ with harsh chemicals or taking medications that may interfere with your other prescriptions, look first at the nutrition value of your current diet. Work to improve your skin and protect yourself from acne by following these guidelines.

Banish Fats, Oils, and Sugars

Often times, consuming a diet high in fats, oils, and sugars can wreck havoc on an individual’s skin. Just as these unsavory additions to your diet can cause other issues seen in your body, what you eat directly affects the quality of your skin.

Most people have experienced a break out after binging on junk food or fast food, most of which is high in fat, sugar, carbohydrates, and oils. In order to stop break outs associated with eating this unhealthy food, begin to replace these items in your diet with foods that are natural and healthy.

Avoid Popular Misconceptions

Many individuals are under the misconception that eating certain foods can cause or worsen their acne condition. The most popular food to blame for bad skin is undoubtedly chocolate. Chocolate lovers will take great pleasure in noting that no one specific type of food—including chocolate—has been proven to cause or worsen acne in individuals. However, you should enjoy your chocolate sparingly, as your entire diet can definitely affect the quality of your skin’s appearance, even though one particular item may not be the trigger.

Try Organic Foods

When looking to change your diet for the better, take care in including fresh, wholesome foods into your new lifestyle. Many individuals have found great success in incorporating organic foods into their diet, since these items lack any added chemicals, preservatives, or potential toxins that can affect both your body and your skin.

Furthermore, structure your diet around fresh fruits and vegetables, most of which contain necessary vitamins that will positively affect your entire body. Also, you may want to avoid eating meat products high in fat, since fats can be quickly be stored in your system, lasting long after that greasy burger has been digested.

Consider Vitamin and Mineral Supplements

Many individuals do not receive the properly daily recommended dose of vitamins or minerals in their diet. For this reason, you should look into including supplements in your daily health regimen. Remember, before consuming any medications or supplements of any kind, be sure to consult your primary health care provider to ensure the dosage is proper and the medication will not negatively interact with your current prescriptions.

Too, you may want to find a solid multi-vitamin that is specified for your gender, age, or activity level. Be sure to look for supplements that include Vitamin E, a necessary vitamin when it comes to the health of your skin.

Hydrate Your Body

Unless you are drinking at least eight eight-ounce glasses of water each day, you are not hydrating your body to a healthy extend. Most individuals are not properly hydrated and their skin pays the price. If you find your skin is dull, ashy, flaky, itchy, or excessively dry, you are not drinking enough water to benefit your body.

Hydrated skin is fresh and glowing, so you should drink up to experience these great effects! Also, drinking the proper amount of water on a daily basis will also benefit your overall sense of health. Avoid drinking sodas or sugary sports drinks, since the added sodium and sugar can be detrimental to your healthy lifestyle.

By following the above guidelines for clear skin, you can actively work to maintain healthy looking skin that is free of acne. If you find yourself suffering from acne or other skin conditions, focus inward instead for a treatment of this problem instead of slathering your skin with potentially harmful creams or lotions that may cause more harm that good. By eating a proper diet, you will ensure your skin is as healthy as you are.

Healthy Foods That Your Kids Will Love

Healthy Foods That Your Kids Will Love
Healthy Foods That Your Kids Will Love
by: Angela Tyler

Is getting your kids to eat healthy foods is a battle in your home? If so, you’ll love these tips that will make your kids happy and give you the satisfaction of knowing you are feeding them foods that are good for them.

Start the Day Right

You can give your kids a delicious, healthy breakfast by getting rid of the ready to eat cereals and pastries and replacing them with bran pancakes and low-sugar syrup and/or fruit. Whole-wheat tortillas filled with fruit, scrambled eggs, or cheese and turkey bacon are delicious and your kids will have fun eating them, paying no attention to the fact that it is actually good for them.

Naturally Sweet

Most kids will ask for sweets such as candy and snack cakes. Instead of giving in to the pressure, give your kids applesauce and homemade oatmeal cookies prepared with a sugar substitute or honey rather than white sugar. Fruit snacks and dried fruit roll ups made from 100 percent fruit are great ideas for kids.

Replace fruit drinks and sodas with flavored tonic water and fresh fruit juice. Drink boxes containing pure fruit juice are relatively inexpensive and kids love the individual boxes, complete with straws.

Make it Fun

The secret is in the presentation. Arrange an assortment of healthy foods in a fun way on your child's plate. You can include smiley faces made from raisins or nuts and choose foods that are colorful. Kids will eat most things if they are presented in a unique design that makes eating fun.

Healthy Dinner

Dinnertime can include homemade pizza topped with cheese and vegetables, or soft tacos made with shredded chicken and cheese. Chicken strips prepared in the oven are always a hit and you could include an assortment of fresh vegetables and whole-grain breads. Fish sticks are relatively healthy if you prepare them in the oven rather than fried. Cheese and legumes are healthy choices.

It's not difficult to get kids to eat healthy foods. It just takes a little extra thought and planning. Start by using our tips and you may be surprised to see what your child will eat.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Why not processed foods?

Have you ever seen a picture of your blood plasma after you’ve eaten a meal from McDonald’s or Burger King? It’s not a pretty picture. It looks thick and cloudy. Fast foods are loaded with fat and sodium. They use white bread and rolls, which means they’ve used white processed flour, with very few nutrients in them.

And how do you feel after a Big Mac and french fries? You need a nap, don’t you? All that fat will drag you down and make you feel sluggish.

Going on a diet is hard, but think about some of the things you do when you go on a diet. You eliminate those high fat, processed, high-sodium foods. You eat less, true. But you also eat more raw fruits and vegetables. You drink water. And the results of eating this way are increased energy, less need for sleep. Processed foods, with their high fat content are hard to digest. They take an enormous amount of the body’s energy to consume. When your body’s energy isn’t used up digesting all that fat, it’s available for YOU – for work, play, love, exercise – in other words, for LIFE.

These aren’t drastic concepts. You don’t have to make drastic changes in your lifestyle. But take a good look at what you consume without even thinking about it. We reach for the potato chips, or stop at McDonald’s or Taco Bell when we’re hungry and we want something in a hurry.

It’s much easier these days to have snacks on hand so you don’t have to stop at a fast food place when you’re hungry. If you’re on the road a lot, and get hungry, pick up a bag of vegetables or apple slices at a grocery store. Yes, it’s easier to drive up to Wendy’s, but taking a few extra minutes, not to mention a few extra steps, will be well worth it in energy and vitality.

Vegetarian compared to raw

Vegetarian compared to raw
Is there a difference between vegetarian and raw food diets? A raw foodist is a vegetarian, but one who generally is not going to cook his vegetables or fruits. A vegetarian is someone who simply doesn’t eat meat, fish or poultry, but only consumes vegetables, pasta, and rice. A vegetarian might eat meatless spaghetti sauce or order onion rings in a restaurant. (Not the healthiest choice, but sometimes it’s hard to find something to eat in a restaurant if you’re vegetarian – even harder if you’re a raw foodist.)

There are different categories of vegetarians, like vegans, or fruitarians, and raw foodist is a category of vegetarianism. We haven’t seen anything about sushi being considered a raw food, but it is. Raw food, though, generally means eating raw, uncooked fruits, vegetables, dried fruits, seaweeds, etc.

But to be a raw food purist means raw broccoli, not steamed. To a vegetarian, someone committed to not eat meat or fish or animal products, steamed vegetables are just as good, although everyone would agree that steaming can take out nutrients from foods, rendering them less nutritious. A vegetarian might consume dairy or egg products; however a vegan will not consume any animal products at all. And a raw foodist is a vegan who consumes only uncooked, unprocessed raw foods.
Proponents of the raw diet believe that enzymes are the life force of a food and that every food contains its own perfect mix. These enzymes help us digest foods completely, without relying on our body to produce its own cocktail of digestive enzymes.
It is also thought that the cooking process destroys vitamins and minerals and that cooked foods not only take longer to digest, but they also allow partially digested fats, proteins and carbohydrates to clog up our gut and arteries.
Followers of a raw diet cite numerous health benefits, including:
  • increased energy levels
  • improved appearance of skin
  • improved digestion
  • weight loss
  • reduced risk of heart disease

Friday, October 7, 2011


You’ve probably been hearing a lot about the value of a raw foods diet. A raw food diet consists primarily of uncooked, unprocessed fruits, vegetables, sprouts, seaweed, nuts and juices. It’s a vegetarian diet, but one that rejects any animal products. Its central tenet is that cooking and processing take out the majority of essential vitamins, enzymes and nutrients that our bodies evolved to thrive on.

Fruitarians, as the word implies, eat primarily fruits, with nuts and grains as well. A fruitarian diet also includes foods like tomatoes or avocadoes, which are fruits.
Fruit is nourishing and refreshing for your health. It doesn't clog the body's vital arteries; better still, it actually flushes and cleanses. A fruit diet also lightens our bodies and spirits, in line with the general lightening of our planetary vibration rate which many higher sources tell us is taking place at this time.

You need to eat carefully if you choose a fruitarian diet, because it can be more of a challenge to get enough essential protein in your diet. A fruitarian eats nothing which has been killed or stolen. That supplants meat, dairy, and plants with the thousands of fruit and nut combinations on the planet. E.g., a fruitarian can eat an avocado sandwich, a coconut milk shake or the purest coconut ice cream made from the milk and meat of the fruit, veggie burgers made of lentil or bean paste or tofu, a succotash of corn, limas, peas, and tomatoes, sweets made with pure maple syrup or date sugar, pecan pies made with fruit sugars, fruit shakes made of a mixture of orange and banana, pear and peach, pomegranate, papaya, and plum. A pizza of tofu, tomato, and pepper (not pepperoni), salads of tomato, cucumber, green and red peppers (but not lettuce, cabbage, or celery), nut butters such as almond butter or tahini, hummus {chickpea paste}. In other words, fruitarian may eat fruits 99.9% of the time, but occasionally do indulge in the delicacies of other food groups.

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