Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What Foods Cause Acne Breakouts?

What Foods Cause Acne BreakoutsWhat Foods Cause Acne Breakouts?
by: Scott Patterson

The old adage, “you are what you eat” cannot be truer than when it comes to common causes of acne. Often individuals who do not consume a healthy diet or whose diet lacks the proper amount of critical vitamins and minerals suffer from acne problems.

Remember, you body must be healthy before your skin can be healthy, so strive to eat a well balanced diet, and dedicate yourself to an active lifestyle in order to enjoy unblemished, smooth, and glowing skin.

If you are experiencing skin problems, instead of treating your body’s largest organ with harsh chemicals or taking medications that may interfere with your other prescriptions, look first at the nutrition value of your current diet. Work to improve your skin and protect yourself from acne by following these guidelines.

Banish Fats, Oils, and Sugars

Often times, consuming a diet high in fats, oils, and sugars can wreck havoc on an individual’s skin. Just as these unsavory additions to your diet can cause other issues seen in your body, what you eat directly affects the quality of your skin.

Most people have experienced a break out after binging on junk food or fast food, most of which is high in fat, sugar, carbohydrates, and oils. In order to stop break outs associated with eating this unhealthy food, begin to replace these items in your diet with foods that are natural and healthy.

Avoid Popular Misconceptions

Many individuals are under the misconception that eating certain foods can cause or worsen their acne condition. The most popular food to blame for bad skin is undoubtedly chocolate. Chocolate lovers will take great pleasure in noting that no one specific type of food—including chocolate—has been proven to cause or worsen acne in individuals. However, you should enjoy your chocolate sparingly, as your entire diet can definitely affect the quality of your skin’s appearance, even though one particular item may not be the trigger.

Try Organic Foods

When looking to change your diet for the better, take care in including fresh, wholesome foods into your new lifestyle. Many individuals have found great success in incorporating organic foods into their diet, since these items lack any added chemicals, preservatives, or potential toxins that can affect both your body and your skin.

Furthermore, structure your diet around fresh fruits and vegetables, most of which contain necessary vitamins that will positively affect your entire body. Also, you may want to avoid eating meat products high in fat, since fats can be quickly be stored in your system, lasting long after that greasy burger has been digested.

Consider Vitamin and Mineral Supplements

Many individuals do not receive the properly daily recommended dose of vitamins or minerals in their diet. For this reason, you should look into including supplements in your daily health regimen. Remember, before consuming any medications or supplements of any kind, be sure to consult your primary health care provider to ensure the dosage is proper and the medication will not negatively interact with your current prescriptions.

Too, you may want to find a solid multi-vitamin that is specified for your gender, age, or activity level. Be sure to look for supplements that include Vitamin E, a necessary vitamin when it comes to the health of your skin.

Hydrate Your Body

Unless you are drinking at least eight eight-ounce glasses of water each day, you are not hydrating your body to a healthy extend. Most individuals are not properly hydrated and their skin pays the price. If you find your skin is dull, ashy, flaky, itchy, or excessively dry, you are not drinking enough water to benefit your body.

Hydrated skin is fresh and glowing, so you should drink up to experience these great effects! Also, drinking the proper amount of water on a daily basis will also benefit your overall sense of health. Avoid drinking sodas or sugary sports drinks, since the added sodium and sugar can be detrimental to your healthy lifestyle.

By following the above guidelines for clear skin, you can actively work to maintain healthy looking skin that is free of acne. If you find yourself suffering from acne or other skin conditions, focus inward instead for a treatment of this problem instead of slathering your skin with potentially harmful creams or lotions that may cause more harm that good. By eating a proper diet, you will ensure your skin is as healthy as you are.

Healthy Foods That Your Kids Will Love

Healthy Foods That Your Kids Will Love
Healthy Foods That Your Kids Will Love
by: Angela Tyler

Is getting your kids to eat healthy foods is a battle in your home? If so, you’ll love these tips that will make your kids happy and give you the satisfaction of knowing you are feeding them foods that are good for them.

Start the Day Right

You can give your kids a delicious, healthy breakfast by getting rid of the ready to eat cereals and pastries and replacing them with bran pancakes and low-sugar syrup and/or fruit. Whole-wheat tortillas filled with fruit, scrambled eggs, or cheese and turkey bacon are delicious and your kids will have fun eating them, paying no attention to the fact that it is actually good for them.

Naturally Sweet

Most kids will ask for sweets such as candy and snack cakes. Instead of giving in to the pressure, give your kids applesauce and homemade oatmeal cookies prepared with a sugar substitute or honey rather than white sugar. Fruit snacks and dried fruit roll ups made from 100 percent fruit are great ideas for kids.

Replace fruit drinks and sodas with flavored tonic water and fresh fruit juice. Drink boxes containing pure fruit juice are relatively inexpensive and kids love the individual boxes, complete with straws.

Make it Fun

The secret is in the presentation. Arrange an assortment of healthy foods in a fun way on your child's plate. You can include smiley faces made from raisins or nuts and choose foods that are colorful. Kids will eat most things if they are presented in a unique design that makes eating fun.

Healthy Dinner

Dinnertime can include homemade pizza topped with cheese and vegetables, or soft tacos made with shredded chicken and cheese. Chicken strips prepared in the oven are always a hit and you could include an assortment of fresh vegetables and whole-grain breads. Fish sticks are relatively healthy if you prepare them in the oven rather than fried. Cheese and legumes are healthy choices.

It's not difficult to get kids to eat healthy foods. It just takes a little extra thought and planning. Start by using our tips and you may be surprised to see what your child will eat.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Why not processed foods?

Have you ever seen a picture of your blood plasma after you’ve eaten a meal from McDonald’s or Burger King? It’s not a pretty picture. It looks thick and cloudy. Fast foods are loaded with fat and sodium. They use white bread and rolls, which means they’ve used white processed flour, with very few nutrients in them.

And how do you feel after a Big Mac and french fries? You need a nap, don’t you? All that fat will drag you down and make you feel sluggish.

Going on a diet is hard, but think about some of the things you do when you go on a diet. You eliminate those high fat, processed, high-sodium foods. You eat less, true. But you also eat more raw fruits and vegetables. You drink water. And the results of eating this way are increased energy, less need for sleep. Processed foods, with their high fat content are hard to digest. They take an enormous amount of the body’s energy to consume. When your body’s energy isn’t used up digesting all that fat, it’s available for YOU – for work, play, love, exercise – in other words, for LIFE.

These aren’t drastic concepts. You don’t have to make drastic changes in your lifestyle. But take a good look at what you consume without even thinking about it. We reach for the potato chips, or stop at McDonald’s or Taco Bell when we’re hungry and we want something in a hurry.

It’s much easier these days to have snacks on hand so you don’t have to stop at a fast food place when you’re hungry. If you’re on the road a lot, and get hungry, pick up a bag of vegetables or apple slices at a grocery store. Yes, it’s easier to drive up to Wendy’s, but taking a few extra minutes, not to mention a few extra steps, will be well worth it in energy and vitality.

Vegetarian compared to raw

Vegetarian compared to raw
Is there a difference between vegetarian and raw food diets? A raw foodist is a vegetarian, but one who generally is not going to cook his vegetables or fruits. A vegetarian is someone who simply doesn’t eat meat, fish or poultry, but only consumes vegetables, pasta, and rice. A vegetarian might eat meatless spaghetti sauce or order onion rings in a restaurant. (Not the healthiest choice, but sometimes it’s hard to find something to eat in a restaurant if you’re vegetarian – even harder if you’re a raw foodist.)

There are different categories of vegetarians, like vegans, or fruitarians, and raw foodist is a category of vegetarianism. We haven’t seen anything about sushi being considered a raw food, but it is. Raw food, though, generally means eating raw, uncooked fruits, vegetables, dried fruits, seaweeds, etc.

But to be a raw food purist means raw broccoli, not steamed. To a vegetarian, someone committed to not eat meat or fish or animal products, steamed vegetables are just as good, although everyone would agree that steaming can take out nutrients from foods, rendering them less nutritious. A vegetarian might consume dairy or egg products; however a vegan will not consume any animal products at all. And a raw foodist is a vegan who consumes only uncooked, unprocessed raw foods.
Proponents of the raw diet believe that enzymes are the life force of a food and that every food contains its own perfect mix. These enzymes help us digest foods completely, without relying on our body to produce its own cocktail of digestive enzymes.
It is also thought that the cooking process destroys vitamins and minerals and that cooked foods not only take longer to digest, but they also allow partially digested fats, proteins and carbohydrates to clog up our gut and arteries.
Followers of a raw diet cite numerous health benefits, including:
  • increased energy levels
  • improved appearance of skin
  • improved digestion
  • weight loss
  • reduced risk of heart disease

Friday, October 7, 2011


You’ve probably been hearing a lot about the value of a raw foods diet. A raw food diet consists primarily of uncooked, unprocessed fruits, vegetables, sprouts, seaweed, nuts and juices. It’s a vegetarian diet, but one that rejects any animal products. Its central tenet is that cooking and processing take out the majority of essential vitamins, enzymes and nutrients that our bodies evolved to thrive on.

Fruitarians, as the word implies, eat primarily fruits, with nuts and grains as well. A fruitarian diet also includes foods like tomatoes or avocadoes, which are fruits.
Fruit is nourishing and refreshing for your health. It doesn't clog the body's vital arteries; better still, it actually flushes and cleanses. A fruit diet also lightens our bodies and spirits, in line with the general lightening of our planetary vibration rate which many higher sources tell us is taking place at this time.

You need to eat carefully if you choose a fruitarian diet, because it can be more of a challenge to get enough essential protein in your diet. A fruitarian eats nothing which has been killed or stolen. That supplants meat, dairy, and plants with the thousands of fruit and nut combinations on the planet. E.g., a fruitarian can eat an avocado sandwich, a coconut milk shake or the purest coconut ice cream made from the milk and meat of the fruit, veggie burgers made of lentil or bean paste or tofu, a succotash of corn, limas, peas, and tomatoes, sweets made with pure maple syrup or date sugar, pecan pies made with fruit sugars, fruit shakes made of a mixture of orange and banana, pear and peach, pomegranate, papaya, and plum. A pizza of tofu, tomato, and pepper (not pepperoni), salads of tomato, cucumber, green and red peppers (but not lettuce, cabbage, or celery), nut butters such as almond butter or tahini, hummus {chickpea paste}. In other words, fruitarian may eat fruits 99.9% of the time, but occasionally do indulge in the delicacies of other food groups.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Vegetarianism and raw food enthusiasts fall into many different groups with different theories of what kind of natural foods are best. Most vegetarians eat fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains. Vegans eat no animal by-products at all, including dairy or eggs. Fruitarians eat primarily fruits. And some vegetarians eat only sprouts.

Sprouts are very nutritious because they contain all the elements a plant needs for life and growth. The endosperm of seed is the storehouse of carbohydrates, protein and oil. When the seed germinates, these become predigested amino acids and natural sugars upon which the plant embryo feeds to grow. This life force we eat is filled with energy which is capable of generating cells of the body and supplying us with new vigor and life. For this reason sprouts can retard the ageing process.

Sprouts contain goodly amounts of male and female hormones, as well, in their most easily assimilated form. Research shows that sprouts are among the highest food in vitamins. They are not only a low cost food but are also tasty and easy to grow. Children and the elderly can make sprouting a profitable hobby. All of us can profit from the boost to health they provide.

Almost any seed, grain or legume can be sprouted though some are tastier than others. You may try mung beans, alfalfa, wheat, peas, fenugreek, chickpeas, radish, fennel, celery seed, etc. These are most readily found in natural food stores. Remember to soak small seeds only for 4 hours and beans for 15 hours. You also can mix these seeds. Get a 2 liter wide-mouth jar and a piece of cheesecloth or old nylon stocking to fasten as a cover with a rubber band. Put seed into the jar as follows:
2 Tsps alfalfa, 2 Tsps radish or fenugreek, 1/4 cup lentils, 1/2 cup mung beans. Soak these seeds for 15 hours and drain the water. Afterwards rinse and drain well twice daily for about 3-5 days. If you wish to make larger amounts of sprouts, so you may share with others, place 2 cups of mixed seed into a large porcelain pot, in the bottom of which holes have been drilled for easy rinsing. Simply place underneath the faucet and rinse morning and evening with warm water. Cover with a plate. The seeds grow beautifully and abundantly in a few days.

Raw only?

Raw Food and Skin Health
A diet is considered a raw food diet if it consists of at least 75% raw, uncooked fruits, vegetables, sprouts, etc. Raw and living foods are believed to contain essential food enzymes (living foods contain a higher enzyme content than cooked foods). The cooking process (i.e., heating foods above 116°F) is thought to destroy food enzymes.

People who follow the raw diet use particular techniques to prepare foods. These include sprouting seeds, grains and beans; soaking nuts and dried fruits; and juicing fruits and vegetables. The only cooking that is allowed is via a dehydrator. This piece of equipment blows hot air through the food but never reaches a temperature higher than 116°F.

Do you have to follow the regimen that strictly? Of course not. But it’s certainly worth it to incorporate some of these techniques and ideas into your diet. If you tend to snack at work, try taking in carrots or apple slices. Many of the bigger grocery stores now offer packaged vegetables or fruits that make it easier to pack them and take them to work. We’re a nation of convenience, and much of the resistance to healthier eating is that it does generally take a little more effort and time to buy and slice fruits and vegetables. Food retailers have been catching on, slowly, and it’s much easier now to get bags of sliced carrots, celery, apples, nuts and raisins.

Of course these aren’t necessarily organic foods, and organic is the better way to go, but we think anything raw is infinitely better than cooked, processed food. If you have the time, do buy organic and slice them yourself. But if you’re in a hurry, and nowhere near a natural food store, then don’t beat yourself up or sabotage your efforts because you can’t do this 100% all the time. That’s not realistic. Anything from the fruit and vegetable aisle is going to be better for you than a potato chip, or worse yet, a french fry!

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Many people have heard of juice fasts as a means of detoxifying the body. Followers of a raw foods regimen also include juices as part of their nutrition. Nearly anything can be juiced – fruits and vegetables, primarily. It’s a form of concentrated nutrition. Some raw foodists drink only fresh fruit juices.

In addition, fruit and vegetable juices are good sources of the traditional nutrients. Citrus fruits (grapefruit, oranges, etc.) provide a healthy portion of vitamin C. Carrot juice contains large quantities of vitamin A, in the form of beta carotene. A number of green juices are a good source of vitamin E. Fruit juices are a good source of essential minerals like iron, copper, potassium, sodium, iodine, and magnesium, which are bound by the plant in a form that is most easily assimilated during digestion.

While fruit and vegetable juices are the most common form of juice, wheatgrass juice has been getting a lot of attention lately because of the denseness of nutrients it contains.
The primary advantage of truly fresh wheatgrass juice - juice made from raw, live, soil-grown wheat grass, is the apparent high level of life force energy that it contains. It is one of the few truly fresh foods available (sprouts are another). The grass is alive and growing right up to the time it is juiced, and hopefully you are drinking it within a few minutes or so of juicing. Most of us get our green veggies from markets, and they were picked days ago and refrigerated - losing vitality the whole time. (It is an even worse situation for fruit, which may be picked weeks before you eat it, and in some cases, held in cold storage for months - losing vitality the whole time.) In contrast, one can grow wheatgrass indoors, and enjoy it when it is truly fresh.

In conclusion, drinking plenty of fresh fruit juices daily will cleanse your system, make you feel completely energized and last but not least, you will look beautiful. People will wonder what you are doing differently!

Raw nourishment

Raw nourishment
You might agree on an intellectual level that eating raw foods is a good idea. But does the thought of abandoning a lifetime of eating habits for the sake of what seems like a good idea seem like more than you can do?

So don’t! That’s silly and the surest way to guarantee you won’t even give a raw foods diet a fighting chance. “Everything in moderation” and we think that applies to even the healthiest notions. It’s not healthy if you won’t do it!

Don’t think of trying a raw foods diet as taking anything AWAY. Try adding them in. We think if you add in things like raw vegetables, sprouts, fruits and juices, you won’t be as hungry and when you’re not hungry, you won’t give into impulsive eating. If you want that steak, or even a McDonald’s hamburger, plan for it and enjoy it. Once you start eating raw foods though, and notice how good you feel on them and how much more energy you have, that hamburger just won’t look as good to you.

You do want to be sure though, that you’re getting enough of the right kinds of nutrition. Eating raw foods doesn’t mean eating only the raw foods you like. Watermelon is good for you, but it’s not enough. The same with most foods. You’ll need to do a little research into which raw foods have the essential proteins, or what combinations of food you need to eat to get enough protein. Raw food eating is intended to nourish your body in a completely different way, but just being raw isn’t enough. You want to do this to be in balance, and you need to balance the raw foods you’re eating for proper nutrition.

One way to ensure that you are getting enough nutrients is to incorporate a new vegetable every week. Buy something you have never heard of, like a “leek”, or “swiss chard.” You will find a whole new world of tastes and textures open up to you. You will feel more and more deterred by fast food. I guarantee it.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Junk food

junk foodTry this, just for the heck of it. Once you’ve started incorporating raw foods into your food plans, keep adding them in and reducing the number of cooked and processed foods from your diet. Especially things like fast food, chips, cookies and snacks.

After you’ve done that for awhile, have a junk food day. If you really miss your junk food, or think you do, then plan for it. Make it truly memorable and junk-worthy.
If we were gambling types, we’d be willing to bet a LOT of money that mid-way through your junk food day, you’ll stop.

Once you’ve started incorporating raw foods into your diet, and getting most of your nutrition from them, and stayed with it for at least a week, junk food is just not going to have the same appeal to you. Because now you’re thinking about what you’re putting into your body. And if you really think about what junk food does to your body, all of a sudden it doesn’t look so good.

You know, it just happens naturally. We’ve started eating more and more raw foods in our home, and haven’t been able to touch things like chicken or a hamburger in ages. First of all, we really feel pretty strongly about not eating animals. But have you ever read the warnings about handling chicken that you’ve bought in the grocery store? Or ground meat? It’s recommended that you wash your counters with BLEACH if you’ve prepared meat on them. Now, do you really want to put something in your body that requires BLEACH to clean the germs from it off of surfaces in your home? Nope, when we see chicken now, all we see is germs. And there’s no flavor to it anyway. So why bother?

And other junk food we used to love just doesn’t appeal to us any more. Nachos and cheese? Well, the cheese you use is so processed, it’s nothing but corn syrup and processed cheese and fats and chemicals. We can feel our arteries grinding to a halt just looking at it. We don’t even use dips for our vegetables any more. We really do enjoy the taste of vegetables and fruits all by themselves.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Cooked foods on a raw diet

Does moving to a raw foods diet mean never eating hot food again? No, it doesn’t. Sometimes you want something hot. Hot food has always signified comfort for many of us. And on a cold, rainy day, carrot sticks or wheatgrass juice probably won’t cut it for most of us.
Cooked foods on a raw diet
Most raw food, like our bodies, is very perishable. When raw foods are exposed to temperatures above 118 degrees, they start to rapidly break down, just as our bodies would if we had a fever that high. One of the constituents of foods which can break down are enzymes. Enzymes help us digest our food. Enzymes are proteins though, and they have a very specific 3-dimensional structure in space. Once they are heated much above 118 degrees, this structure can change.

Once enzymes are exposed to heat, they are no longer able to provide the function for which they were designed. Cooked foods contribute to chronic illness, because their enzyme content is damaged and thus requires us to make our own enzymes to process the food. The digestion of cooked food uses valuable metabolic enzymes in order to help digest your food. Digestion of cooked food demands much more energy than the digestion of raw food. In general, raw food is so much more easily digested that it passes through the digestive tract in 1/2 to 1/3 of the time it takes for cooked food.

Eating enzyme-dead foods places a burden on your pancreas and other organs and overworks them, which eventually exhausts these organs. Many people gradually impair their pancreas and progressively lose the ability to digest their food after a lifetime of ingesting processed foods.

But you certainly can steam and blanch foods if you want your food at least warm. Use a food thermometer and cook them no higher than 118 degrees Fahrenheit. Up to this temperature, you won’t be doing too much damage to the enzymes in food.

Eat raw up until dinner time

Eat raw up until dinner timeAre you interested in a raw food diet, but don’t think you can do it all the time? You don’t have to, certainly not to start. Many of us are conditioned to think of food as reward and comfort. We look forward to the end of the day, having dinner with our families, or going out to dinner with friends.

Try eating raw foods throughout the day. If you go to work every day, take carrots, apples, grapes or dried fruit with you to munch on. If you usually go out to lunch during the day, try to go places where you can get a salad. If you pack a lunch, include sprouts and fruit with it. Steamed brown rice and vegetables and a little fruit might not sound very interesting, but it’s a good energy lunch. If you’re like many people, those fast food lunches make you want to crawl under your desk and take a nap in the afternoon! They make you sluggish and tired. A lighter lunch of raw foods can keep you energized throughout the day.

The business culture is different these days, and there’s less of a routine than there used to be with a morning “coffee break” and then “lunch hour” and an afternoon “break.” That routine doesn’t work for a lot of people any more, but you can still get hungry during the day. By taking a variety of raw foods with you to work, you can munch periodically during the day. Sometimes it’s better to eat to avoid getting hungry. If we let ourselves go too long until we get ravenous, that’s when it’s easier to make poor food choices. Eating raw foods periodically throughout the day also keeps your metabolism humming along, and keeps your blood sugar at steady levels.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Organic Products and Raw Food Diet

Organic Products and Raw Food Diet
Fortunately for those of us newly interested in eating organic and raw foods, there are lots of products out there. Natural and organic foods used to be found only in natural food stores, and those could be few and far between. While not as ubiquitous as McDonald’s, there ARE many more stand-alone stores. And the grocery chains are catching on too, with more organic selections than ever before. If you don’t see them in your grocery store, just ask. You’re probably not the only person in your neighborhood who’d like to see more of these options.

Many grocery stores now feature sprouts and other living foods in the produce aisle. Of course, if they don’t, there’s nothing easier to grow for yourself than sprouts!

There are also tons of sites on the Web where you can order raw and living foods. Just do a search on raw foods and you’ll come up with a lot of different places to order the foods you’d like to buy. Many of these sites are also full of useful information, to help you learn about eating raw foods, and help educate you on the specific food values.

What else? Experiment with what you like. Take the time to learn a little about what the different nutrients in foods do for you. A few examples:

Cabbage – High in Vitamin C; important for healthy cell function
Shitake mushrooms – contain essential fatty acids and antioxidants to support a healthy immune system
Kale – Rich in fiber and helps reduce calorie intake with less hunger. We like that!
Barley – Loaded with niacin, fiber and iron and is important for healthy blood sugar.
Pumpkin – So rich in fiber and vitamins; helps reduce appetite by filling the stomach with indigestible fibers

Vegan and raw food restaurants

Vegan and raw food restaurants
One of life’s great pleasures is going out to eat and trying new restaurants and dishes. This holds true for raw food and vegan restaurants too! There are, believe it or not, more than 5000 natural foods restaurants in the U.S. alone. Predictably many of these restaurants are in major markets and in college towns. You might not live in an area where you can visit a natural foods restaurant regularly, but if you’re traveling, do some research and see where there might be a natural foods place to visit. Here are a few notable restaurants around the country:

Delights of the Garden has gained amazing popularity in Washington, DC, considering that city is a haven of power lunches between lobbyists and the like. It features a cool-looking cafe with raw and cooked vegan favorites.

Arnold’s Way is located outside Philadelphia, PA in the Bucks County town of Lansdale. They have a raw café and also have classes in raw foods preparation.

Au Lac in Fountain Valley, California serves 7-course raw dinners, although you want to call in advance to give the chefs time to prepare.

Café Gratitude has two locations in San Francisco and one in Berkeley.

Quntessence in Manhattan features an all raw menu, all organic, salads, fresh juices, soup, guacamole, essene bread, almond shakes, and more.

Dining in the Raw in Key West, Florida features macrobiotic, vegan and raw foods.

The Organic Garden in Beverly, Massachusetts is a living and raw foods restaurant.

Suzanne’s Vegetarian Bistro in Miami, FL has a daily raw soup on its menu.

Enzyme Express in Anchorage, Alaska is a raw foods restaurant.

Golden Temple in Birmingham, Alabama is a vegetarian restaurant that features a juice bar.

These are just a few raw foods restaurants in some likely (and unlikely!) cities. Many cities have magazines with restaurants listed by categories.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Skin tone drinking water, coconut milk, etc

Skin tone drinking water
The best way to have healthy, glowing skin is to start from the inside out. Eliminating caffeine in the form of coffee and soda is one way to start. Caffeine dehydrates the body and skin. And lack of moisture is a sure way to create lines and wrinkles. It’s also a diuretic, causing increased urine output, again depleting your body and skin of the moisture it needs. We try to combat this with moisturizers, but the better way is to put the moisture INTO your body, not on it.

Drinking pure water, unprocessed fruit juices or coconut milk will give your body and skin the hydration it needs. The colors in fruit juices are the colors of the earth and these colors will reflect themselves in warm and healthy skin tones.

The overall effects of caffeine on your body will manifest themselves in your skin. Heavy caffeine drinkers can experience osteoporosis, headaches, depression, sleeplessness. These can all be reflected in your skin.

When you replace colas, coffee and teas made with boiling water with water, fruit juices “sun tea” and coconut milk, you’ll soon start to feel better and sleep better. Your skin will reflect the good health of all the organs and cells of your body, once you’ve kicked the caffeine habit.
Another reason for drinking pure water, juices and “sun tea” is that when you boil water, you’re releasing oxygen from it. When the body rids itself of toxins, it passes through the skin which is the largest elimination organ. Raw food increases your detoxification rate. Drinking water helps the body rid itself of toxins. Seaweed is high in vitamins and minerals beneficial to the skin and also helps rid the body of toxins.
To achieve a healthy complexion, drink plenty of water and eat plenty of raw food. What goes into your body is reflective in your overall appearance.

Raw food, less water

Raw food less water
When you start eating more raw foods, you may find you’re not as thirsty or don’t need as much water or other beverages as you normally do. There are several reasons for this.
First of all, raw foods, such as raw fruits and vegetables have a higher volume of water in them, so your body is getting the hydration it needs from foods.

This doesn’t mean you should stop drinking water or juices. You don’t want to adopt some of the more radical elements of the raw food trend. First and foremost, listen to your body. It will tell you what it needs. If you’re overweight, sluggish, tired, depressed, your body might be telling you to make some dietary changes, and raw foods might be one way to alleviate some physical disorders.

But if you’re overweight and have symptoms of Type II diabetes, overwhelming thirst can be one symptom. When you start consuming more raw foods, with a higher fiber and moisture content, you may start to lose weight, and that can go a long way to reducing your blood sugars.

If you’re not overweight, or don’t have Type II diabetes, you still might find you’re not as thirsty as you normally are. First of all, if you’re drinking water and juices, you’re not consuming caffeine, which is so dehydrating and makes you thirstier. And by not consuming as much in the way of cooked foods or especially highly processed foods, which have astronomical sodium counts, you won’t be as thirsty either.

By consuming more raw, uncooked food, and pure water and fruit juices, you’re putting your body into balance. Keeping sodium to normal levels found in foods means you’ll start to require a more balanced amount of water. Don’t think of this as changing or taking away. Think of it as adding balance, and it will make the process of eating healthier much easier.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Raw Food and Skin Health

Raw Food and Skin Health
What’s the largest organ in your body? It’s your skin! It provides a protective covering for the other organs of the body. It changes to regulate your internal body temperature. And it’s a good indicator of overall health and well-being.

People spend thousands of dollars on skin preparations to make your skin look vibrant and glowing. They’re all topical products – products that we put on top of our skin. But if we spent just a fraction of the money we spend on these preparations on RAW FOODS, we’d begin to see an immediate change in the texture of our skin.

When you eat raw foods, you put more of the essential vitamins and amino acids your body needs into it. You’re also adding moisture – naturally. Raw foods have a much higher moisture content than cooked foods, simply because the cooking process takes out so much essential moisture.

Your skin is a mirror of what’s going on in the rest of your body. And when your organs and blood are fed the nutrition they need to function properly, that shows in your skin. Get your vitamins and moisture from foods like apples and carrots. When you do, then phrases like “inner beauty” and “inner glow” will be applied to YOU. Your skin is what’s presented to the rest of the world and healthy, glowing skin makes the best first impression.

When you start adding raw foods to your diet, things will just naturally fall into place. You’ll feel better. You’ll look better. People will react to you more positively. You’ll have so much more energy for your work, your friends, and your family. And this kind of energy is a self-perpetuating thing. You don’t need self-help books and expensive moisturizers and plastic surgery. When your body and skin are getting their essential nutrition with raw, uncooked foods, you’ll look and feel your best, NATURALLY!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Why The Raw Food Diet

Why The Raw Food DietBecause cooking takes so many nutrients and vitamins OUT of food, you automatically start feeding your body what it needs when you stop cooking food and start eating uncooked, nutrient-rich foods. A raw carrot has exponentially more nutrition than a cooked carrot.

Cooking also alters the chemistry of foods, often making them harder to digest. Why do we have so many digestive problems in this country? Because we’re putting foods into our bodies in a form that we weren’t designed to absorb. High fiber, high water content fresh produce abolishes constipation of the bowels, cells and circulatory system. Obstructions are cleared and blood flow increases to each and every cell in the body. Enhanced blood flow is significant for two reasons: as mentioned above, blood delivers nutrients and oxygen to living cells, and carries away their toxic metabolites.

Obesity is endemic in this country. The diet industry is more profitable than the oil companies. Why? Because the way we eat and prepare our food practically guarantees that we’ll overeat. Psychologists tell us that we overeat because our souls are hungry. But in reality, our bodies are hungry, even though we may feel full. When you start giving your body the nutrients it craves, overeating will cease.

Eating raw foods is a boost to your metabolism as well. It takes a little more energy to digest raw foods, but it’s a healthy process. Rather than spending energy to rid itself of toxins produced by cooking food, the body uses its energy to feed every cell, sending vitamins, fluids, enzymes and oxygen to make your body the efficient machine it was intended to be.

You’ll naturally stop overeating, because your body and brain will no longer be starving for the nutrients they need. A starving brain will trigger the thoughts that make you overeat. The brain and the rest of your body don’t need quantity; they need quality

What is the Raw Food Diet?

What is the Raw Food Diet?
Have you started hearing about the Raw Food Diet? It’s gaining popularity and buzz, not just as a diet to lose weight, but a diet for a long and healthy life. We eat so much in the way of processed food that we don’t even stop to think about what we’re putting into our bodies, and how far we’ve come nutritionally from our ancestral, agrarian roots.
A raw food diet means consuming food in its natural, unprocessed form. There are several common-sense rationales for why this is a good idea. Processing and cooking food can take so much of the basic nutritional value away. Think of some of the conventional wisdom you’ve heard about for years, such as: If you cook pasta just to the al dente (or medium) stage, it will have more calories, yes, but it will have more the nutritional value in it than if you cooked it to a well-done stage. Or you probably remember hearing not to peel carrots or potatoes too deeply, because most of the nutrients and values are just under the surface.

The raw food diet means eating unprocessed, uncooked, organic, whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, dried fruits, seaweeds, etc. It means a diet that is at least 75% uncooked! Cooking takes out flavor and nutrition from vegetables and fruits. A raw food diet means eating more the way our ancient ancestors did. Our healthier, more fit ancestors. They cooked very little, and certainly didn’t cook or process fruits and vegetables. They ate them RAW. Their water wasn’t from a tap; it was natural, spring water. Maybe they drank some coconut milk on occasion.

Doesn’t it just make sense that this is how our bodies were meant to eat? It’s a way of eating that’s in harmony with the planet and in harmony with our own metabolisms. Our bodies were meant to work, and need to work to be efficient. That means exercise, certainly, but it also means eating natural, raw foods that require more energy to digest them.

Cheap And Easy Party Food - Throw A Great Party Without Spending A Fortune

Cheap And Easy Party Food - Throw A Great Party Without Spending A Fortune
by: Angela Tyler
Cheap And Easy Party FoodIf you are planning a party, you already know that food can be one of your biggest expenses. However, you can take several steps to cut your party food costs. It is not necessary to purchase expensive appetizers and beverages to throw a great party. A little imagination and effort can make your party a memorable occasion.

Here are some ideas and suggestions to help you save money on food when throwing your next party:

Have a potluck

A potluck is certainly cheaper than hiring a caterer and you will save a lot of time and money by having your guests prepare a dish to share with others. Potluck is fun and you will surely end up with an interesting assortment of foods. To make things simpler, include a suggestion as to what type of dish you would like your guests to bring such as a dessert, vegetable, or salad.

Finger foods are fun

Small sandwiches, chips, dips, and vegetable trays are relatively inexpensive and you won't need to bother with place settings and bringing out your best china. Simply supply napkins and small paper plates and allow your guests to serve themselves from an assortment of bite size goodies.

Back to basics

Fruit and cheese are excellent choices for casual party foods that don't require fancy place settings or dishes. Buy fresh fruit in season when you are likely to find certain varieties on sale and fill your table will a variety of cheeses, crackers, and perhaps olives and nuts.

Go Italian

If your party will be a dinner party where fingers foods are not appropriate, you can try spaghetti with garlic bread and salad, or you could find a good deal on pizza that you can have delivered. You will save time and it is quite easy to find a bargain on different types of pizza.

Thrifty Thirst Quenchers

For party beverages, two-liter soft drinks and bottled water are inexpensive and very easy to serve. Provide ice and cups and allow your guests to serve themselves. Tea and coffee are cheap as is lemonade that you make fresh or from concentrate.

Your party does not have to cost a lot of money to be a huge success. Look for sales on the foods and beverages you choose and plan ahead so you will have time to shop around be fore you buy.

What Foods Cause Acne Breakouts?

What Foods Cause Acne Breakouts?
by: Scott Patterson
What Foods Cause Acne Breakouts
The old adage, “you are what you eat” cannot be truer than when it comes to common causes of acne. Often individuals who do not consume a healthy diet or whose diet lacks the proper amount of critical vitamins and minerals suffer from acne problems.

Remember, you body must be healthy before your skin can be healthy, so strive to eat a well balanced diet, and dedicate yourself to an active lifestyle in order to enjoy unblemished, smooth, and glowing skin.

If you are experiencing skin problems, instead of treating your body’s largest organ with harsh chemicals or taking medications that may interfere with your other prescriptions, look first at the nutrition value of your current diet. Work to improve your skin and protect yourself from acne by following these guidelines.

Banish Fats, Oils, and Sugars

Often times, consuming a diet high in fats, oils, and sugars can wreck havoc on an individual’s skin. Just as these unsavory additions to your diet can cause other issues seen in your body, what you eat directly affects the quality of your skin.

Most people have experienced a break out after binging on junk food or fast food, most of which is high in fat, sugar, carbohydrates, and oils. In order to stop break outs associated with eating this unhealthy food, begin to replace these items in your diet with foods that are natural and healthy.

void Popular Misconceptions

Many individuals are under the misconception that eating certain foods can cause or worsen their acne condition. The most popular food to blame for bad skin is undoubtedly chocolate. Chocolate lovers will take great pleasure in noting that no one specific type of food—including chocolate—has been proven to cause or worsen acne in individuals. However, you should enjoy your chocolate sparingly, as your entire diet can definitely affect the quality of your skin’s appearance, even though one particular item may not be the trigger.

Try Organic Foods

When looking to change your diet for the better, take care in including fresh, wholesome foods into your new lifestyle. Many individuals have found great success in incorporating organic foods into their diet, since these items lack any added chemicals, preservatives, or potential toxins that can affect both your body and your skin.

Furthermore, structure your diet around fresh fruits and vegetables, most of which contain necessary vitamins that will positively affect your entire body. Also, you may want to avoid eating meat products high in fat, since fats can be quickly be stored in your system, lasting long after that greasy burger has been digested.

Consider Vitamin and Mineral Supplements

Many individuals do not receive the properly daily recommended dose of vitamins or minerals in their diet. For this reason, you should look into including supplements in your daily health regimen. Remember, before consuming any medications or supplements of any kind, be sure to consult your primary health care provider to ensure the dosage is proper and the medication will not negatively interact with your current prescriptions.

Too, you may want to find a solid multi-vitamin that is specified for your gender, age, or activity level. Be sure to look for supplements that include Vitamin E, a necessary vitamin when it comes to the health of your skin.

Hydrate Your Body

Unless you are drinking at least eight eight-ounce glasses of water each day, you are not hydrating your body to a healthy extend. Most individuals are not properly hydrated and their skin pays the price. If you find your skin is dull, ashy, flaky, itchy, or excessively dry, you are not drinking enough water to benefit your body.

Hydrated skin is fresh and glowing, so you should drink up to experience these great effects! Also, drinking the proper amount of water on a daily basis will also benefit your overall sense of health. Avoid drinking sodas or sugary sports drinks, since the added sodium and sugar can be detrimental to your healthy lifestyle.

By following the above guidelines for clear skin, you can actively work to maintain healthy looking skin that is free of acne. If you find yourself suffering from acne or other skin conditions, focus inward instead for a treatment of this problem instead of slathering your skin with potentially harmful creams or lotions that may cause more harm that good. By eating a proper diet, you will ensure your skin is as healthy as you are.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Healthy Foods That Your Kids Will Love

Healthy Foods That Your Kids Will LoveHealthy Foods That Your Kids Will Love
by: Angela Tyler

Is getting your kids to eat healthy foods is a battle in your home? If so, you’ll love these tips that will make your kids happy and give you the satisfaction of knowing you are feeding them foods that are good for them.

Start the Day Right

You can give your kids a delicious, healthy breakfast by getting rid of the ready to eat cereals and pastries and replacing them with bran pancakes and low-sugar syrup and/or fruit. Whole-wheat tortillas filled with fruit, scrambled eggs, or cheese and turkey bacon are delicious and your kids will have fun eating them, paying no attention to the fact that it is actually good for them.

Naturally Sweet

Most kids will ask for sweets such as candy and snack cakes. Instead of giving in to the pressure, give your kids applesauce and homemade oatmeal cookies prepared with a sugar substitute or honey rather than white sugar. Fruit snacks and dried fruit roll ups made from 100 percent fruit are great ideas for kids.

Replace fruit drinks and sodas with flavored tonic water and fresh fruit juice. Drink boxes containing pure fruit juice are relatively inexpensive and kids love the individual boxes, complete with straws.

Make it Fun

The secret is in the presentation. Arrange an assortment of healthy foods in a fun way on your child's plate. You can include smiley faces made from raisins or nuts and choose foods that are colorful. Kids will eat most things if they are presented in a unique design that makes eating fun.

Healthy Dinner

Dinnertime can include homemade pizza topped with cheese and vegetables, or soft tacos made with shredded chicken and cheese. Chicken strips prepared in the oven are always a hit and you could include an assortment of fresh vegetables and whole-grain breads. Fish sticks are relatively healthy if you prepare them in the oven rather than fried. Cheese and legumes are healthy choices.

It's not difficult to get kids to eat healthy foods. It just takes a little extra thought and planning. Start by using our tips and you may be surprised to see what your child will eat.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Superfoods for Fighting the Flu

Superfoods for Fighting the FluSuperfoods for Fighting the Flu

Outbreaks of influenza are responsible for millions of lost hours at both work and home each year, not to mention many miserable days trying to recover. If you're wondering what you can do to boost natural immunity, and prepare the body's defenses, study the food you eat, look at family meals, and make changes to ensure that everyone is eating a well balanced diet rich in nutritious fruits and vegetables , low fat proteins and complex carbohydrates.
Blackcurrant is even richer in vitamin C than oranges, which contains about three times the recommended daily intake for adults. It is important that you get plenty of vitamin C since it helps to prevent infections and helps keep the immune system healthy.

Pork has a high content of zinc and selenium, both of which help keep the immune system strong. It is also one of the best sources of B vitamins and contains only a little more fat than beef. So be sure to include lots of pork entrees in the menu planning.

Mix up breakfast with a glass of grapefruit juice instead of orange juice for a vitamin C-rich drink that is both sweet and tart. But you should check with your doctor if you are on certain medications for blood pressure, AIDS, anxiety, or hay fever, mixing grapefruit juice with certain drugs can cause dangerous toxicity.

Brussels sprouts are a great vegetable source of vitamin C, is high in fiber and rich in folic acid as well. They enhance the anticarcinogenic glucosinolates, which have important cancer-fighting properties. They are a great addition in a stew to give many al-busting nutrients.

Yogurt that includes live cultures have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, and as a result, help the body cleanse bacteria from the body faster and more efficiently and fight the flu. You want to contain active yogurt cultures L. acidophilus, which is also helpful in combating yeast infections.

Potatoes are one of the most affordable sources of vitamin C, and nicely complement any entrée with its high levels of potassium and fiber. The skin contains the most fiber and the meat just under the skin contains the most vitamin C. Fresh potatoes are the best source of vitamin C. Be careful how you choose to prepare them, soaking them in water robs them of their germ-busting vitamin C.

Whole wheat pasta is also rich in niacin, fiber and iron. Its complex carbohydrates are an important part of a healthy diet that will keep your immune system strong. Only the replacement of traditional pasta recipes with whole wheat variety instead of a delicious and nutritious twist on your favorite pasta dishes.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Superfoods to Stomp out cold

Superfoods to Stomp out coldSuperfoods to Stomp out cold
Not only healthy food to feed the nutrients your body and help cells grow and multiply, but also helps to frame the body's defense against attacks germs that cause colds. Low-fat meats, whole grains, fruits, vegetables and whole grains all play a part in preparing the body for battle.
Another important part of your anti-missile defense system is cold water. When your body is dehydrated, the increased risk of germs and lock on it to let go. Remember to drink plenty of water and drink caffeine to help the body stay hydrated and ready.

Just one cup of yogurt a day can work to maintain digestive health, which can help prevent colds. Please yogurt with live cultures, because it is a key component that helps keep the food ready to rumble. And an added bonus to eating yogurt - recent studies suggest that regular consumption of milk helps you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.
Garlic contains allicin, an antibiotic, which turned out to avoid complications from a cold in some research. Garlic can add to many of your favorite foods to spice up a suit them and help to fight the cold germs.
We speak apple a day keeps the doctor away. No. So maybe orange. One orange a day provides your recommended daily intake of vitamin C. Oranges are also rich in flavonoids, which helps the body cells regenerate and stay healthy and strong. green bell pepper family is the best vegetable source of vitamin C. Add them to salads, or simply a piece of one of them and eat them raw. Flavonoids are also found in peppers. You can even prepare a bath with green pepper sauce seasoned with garlic added effect of germs kicking.

Lean ground beef, especially when prepared with a bit of garlic, can maintain healthy cells and fight disease. A good source of protein, selenium and zinc, and after eating with a bit of tomato is a great defense during the heating season.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Super Foods to Body, Mind and Spirit Rejuvenate

Super Foods to Body, Mind and Spirit Rejuvenate
Super Foods to Body

When the goal is rejuvenating the body, mind and spirit, the method should be smaller, more frequent snacks and meals. This will help keep energy levels on an even keel, and regulate your blood sugar levels to avoid spikes and dips. When you choose the right combination of foods, your body gets the much-needed boost it needs to sustain itself properly, even through those slumps later in the day. So dump those high sugar junk foods and reach for the following foods and get that boost you need.
Any fresh fruit, especially with skins or seeds like peaches, apples, pears, oranges, and strawberries, is a great source of vitamins and fiber. In the summer you can choose a peach and get plenty of dietary fiber, niacin (vitamin B3), potassium, beta carotene and vitamin A, plus high amounts of vitamin C. Niacin is important for providing energy for cell tissue growth. Along with regulating fluid balance, potassium helps maintain the electrical stability of the cells of your heart and nervous system and is important for cell and muscle growth. Vitamin B12 plays a role in red blood cell formation, nerve function, and metabolizing protein and fat.

Dried Apricots and Almonds combination provides a high amount of vitamin A, iron protein and dietary fiber. Both foods are low in cholesterol and sodium, and apricots are a great source of potassium, which is important in regulating your body's fluid balance. The vitamin A in apricots contributes to healthy vision, bone growth, and reproduction, and helps fight infection.

Raisins are a healthy, low-fat, low-cholesterol, and low-sodium snack with significant amounts of potassium, phosphorus, copper, and iron, and when mixed with low-fat yogurt, you also get riboflavin (vitamin B2) and vitamin B12, as well as a high amount of calcium, which is needed not only for strong bones and teeth but also plays a key role in the normal functioning of the heart and other muscles.

Baby carrots and sesame sticks are a tasty treat that will provide significant amounts of beta carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, vitamin B6, iron, potassium, copper, and fiber. Beta carotene helps protect against diseases like heart disease and some cancers.
Vitamin A is important for healthy skin, for better night vision, and to fight infection and respiratory ailments. Folate, or vitamin B9, is essential to human life, helping to form red blood cells and break down proteins, and playing a key role in cell growth and division.

Peanut butter on some whole grain crackers is an excellent source of protein, iron, niacin,

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Superfoods for Healthy Hair

Superfoods for Healthy HairSuperfoods for Healthy Hair
We have all learned over the years in which a well balanced diet is healthy for our body and critical to the health and performance. Our hair is no different A mixture of proteins, complex carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and iron are necessary for healthy hair and strong.
Good hair nutrition begins with getting enough protein, which is the cornerstone of your hair. Then you need complex carbohydrates to help assemble the proteins for hair growth. Other vitamins and minerals include B complex, which is associated with energy production and building good hair and skin problems, folic acid, vitamin B12 and zinc.
Hair follicles can have low energy levels just like us. Therefore, it is very important that you eat a high protein mean the beginning of each day. Consider the following foods for breakfast and lunch daily, to give you the opportunity to grow healthy hair and prosper.
If you do not have high cholesterol, try eating red meat twice a week. It has the protein your hair needs, but also full of B vitamins, iron and zinc, which are important for healthy hair. Bacon is another great option as it is also full of B vitamins, zinc and protein, but is also high in calories, not the best option if you are also trying to lose weight. egg whites and egg proteins are another great option, especially for vegetarians or those who can not eat red meat or bacon, due to dietary restrictions. Salmon is another great protein option, and it works great for breakfast, lunch or dinner. You'll find it's also full of B vitamins, including B12 and other vitamins and minerals.

Just be sure to keep in mind that you must also have complex carbohydrates, which feed you energy over a period of time than refined carbohydrates with their source of protein in food. Short grain rice is an ideal way. It is also a good source of B vitamins and fiber of some. Whole grain choices complement your protein consumption, helping to organize the proteins for hair to use for optimal growth and health.

Superfoods in your brain

Superfoods in your brainSuperfoods in your brain
We all have days when you do not feel like we were the game. And as we age, both body and brain aging as well. By making wise food choices, however, we can preserve precious gray matter longer and improve brain function. Here are a few smart choice for our noggins in tip-top condition.
Blueberries has been shown to shield the brain from stress, dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Research has also shown that diets rich in blueberries significantly improved both the learning capacity and motor skills.
Avocado, but be viewed in the of fatty fruit, contributes to healthy blood flow and decreased blood pressure, reducing the chance of developing high blood pressure, which can lead to a stroke.
Deep-sea fish such as salmon is a wise, freshwater fish choice. It is rich in omega-3 essential fatty acids that are essential for healthy brain function.
Nuts and seeds are good sources of vitamin E, an important vitamin required for your brain to stave off declining cognitive functions. Cashews, hazelnuts, walnuts, sunflower and sesame seeds and almonds are all great choices.
Whole wheat bread, brown rice, oatmeal, and also contribute to healthy brain reduces the risk of heart disease. By a healthy heart and better blood flow to the brain surely prosper through excellent oxygen and nutrient delivery through the bloodstream. Complex carbohydrates also supply the brain in a steady stream of glucose that enhances brain function. It is important to avoid simple carbohydrates often occurring junk food because the glucose gives the brain a short-term high-sugar, often followed by a crash, which is hungry and tired.
Freshly brewed tea is also an effective antioxidant, especially the class known as catechines, which also promotes healthy blood flow. Since black teas do not contain caffeine, it is important to use carefully.
Dark chocolate has powerful antioxidant properties, a number of natural stimulants, which enhance focus and concentration, and stimulates production of endorphins, which helps improve the mood. Again, moderation is the key.

Superfoods that combat cancer

Superfoods that combat cancer
Superfoods that combat cancer
As the disease the second most deadly country, cancer brings with it many risk factors. It is therefore logical that we take a good look at the foods we're eating, and start introducing foods rich in nutrients that are known to help reduce the risk of cancer. A diet rich in fiber, vegetables and fruits, including juices made from fruit juice, 100 percent can make a big difference in their risk of cancer.
Foods rich in phytochemicals, which are found in grains and cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, and kale are strong choices. So are dark green leafy vegetables like spinach, lettuce and cabbage, which are packed with lutein, fiber, and carotenoids - all substances that fight cancer. Concentrate on choosing foods that have large amounts of vitamins C, E and A, all antioxidants themselves. They help protect you from cancer by preventing the growth of free radicals in your body.
Tomatoes are an amazing superfood for cancer. Not only do tomatoes contain lycopene, the antioxidant phytochemical that also helps prevent heart disease, but they are a good source of vitamins A, C and E, all you do battle against cancer causing free radicals. Add them to salads or use as a supplement in your homemade pizza. They are also a great way to add some zest to your favorite sandwich.
Watermelon is also packed with antioxidants, and includes about 80 percent of your daily requirement of vitamin C. It is also an excellent source of vitamin A or beta carotene. And like the tomato, which also contains lycopene.
Cabbage is a cruciferous vegetable, which help reduce the risk of colon and rectum. Plus Cabbage is rich in fiber and has almost 50 percent of the daily requirement of vitamin C, becoming a well-rounded superfood with power against cancer. Carrots are an excellent source of fiber and beta-carotene, and are about three times the daily requirement of vitamin A.

Did you know that a quarter cup of beans has the same amount of fiber and protein, two ounces of red meat? whole wheat pasta is also a good source of fiber, and broccoli will tip the balance to your daily vitamin A and daily C needs. Toss them all together with your favorite low-fat Italian dressing for a simple dinner of cancer-fighting proportions.

Strawberries and blueberries are rich in vitamin C and fiber. They are finger food quick, simple and easily be added to your oats favorite whole grain cereal, or yogurt.

superfoods to Fight Depression

superfoods to Fight Depression
superfoods to Fight Depression
Have all had the blues once in while. But even when they often become a cause for concern. But there are ways to modify your dietto help stabilize your mood . This is extremely important to eat a regular meal intervals in order to keep the level of serotonin in the scans of the chemical in the brain, which has a calming effect. Good nutrition is the best defense is to treat depression.

Carbohydrates are linked to serotonin production and lack of carbohydrates may cause changes in mood. Here are more food ideas to help against depression and kick those blues.

Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, salmon and mackerel are always the best choice for dinner. Omega-3 fatty acids also help prevent heart disease and stroke and help prevent certain cancers. Plus, salmon contains selenium, an important antioxidant mineral. Be sure to choose wild salmon from the grocery store or local fish market, since it contains more Omega than farmed or Atlantic, salmon.

A recent study showed that people who suffer from depression, is also lower than the antioxidant vitamin Thus, although high in fats and oils should be consumed in strict moderation, canola oil is rich in vitamin E. This is a healthier alternative for sautéing foods and vegetables.

Dark green vegetables like spinach, peas and high folic acid, plays a key role in the production of serotonin. S also an excellent source of vitamin C and fiber. Fresh is always the best solution, as canned versions tend to have lower nutritional value. Pulses of folic acid and high protein and low in fat and is an excellent option for those who are vegetarian or meat-restricted diets.

The fiber-rich chickpeas, iron, and vitamin E. A simple snack, combine a can of drained and rinsed chickpeas with some minced garlic, freshly squeezed lemon juice, and olive or rapeseed oil in your blender or food processor. Add salt, pepper and other spices as you wish. The resulting hummus makes a healthy and nutritious vegetable dip.

Chicken and turkey are rich in vitamin B6
, which plays a role in the production of serotonin in the body. Both are good sources of selenium and other vitamins and minerals.

And please, if you are already dealing with the symptoms of depression for some time, please consult your doctor to discuss available treatment options and medications that may be available for you.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Super Foods for Super Weight Loss

Super Foods for Super Weight Loss
Experts say there are two basic categories of foods that can be considered keeping it off superfoods , because they fill the tummy without piling on the calories: fruits and vegetables. And the nutrient that gives fruits and vegetables that 'staying power? Fiber. So, if fruits and vegetables are the keep-off superfood groups , the fiber may well be a keep-off super-nutrients. Protein is another super-nutrient. It is becoming more scientifically accepted that protein may help reduce appetite. The protein also offers resistance, and may slightly increase your metabolism in the process. But it is imperative that you choose your proteins wisely, because like all other foods, if you're eating more than your body needs, it will show up on the scale as a gain rather than a loss.
The following superfoods are smart, low calorie that will benefit your efforts to lose weight:
Green Tea - Researchers suspect that the catechins (helpful phytochemicals) in green tea may trigger weight loss by stimulating the body to burn calories and decreasing body fat low. So come in either a hot cup or a nice cup of iced green tea.
Broth or tomato-based soup - Soups can help reduce hunger before meals and increase your feeling of fullness.
Low-calorie green salads - Having a low-calorie salad - which is not defined as one that's loaded with croutons, high fat dressings and cheese - as a first course can help you feel full, thus reducing how much you eat with his main course. Wisely choose your ingredients, and its high fiber content can be the key to help combat the desires later in the day.
Yogurt - including dairy products, as part of your healthy diet may promote your efforts to lose weight. Choosing a light yogurt may help fight hunger due to its combination of protein and carbohydrates.
Beans - A great combination of fiber and protein, beans help you feel full longer, which means they can work to curb your appetite between meals.
Water - Water is a vital part of your body, and you must drink it through your day. It is a great drink with no calories, and you can get it by drinking unsweetened tea, bitter-tasting mineral water, regular water with lemon, or even in your cucumber. Besides helping to eliminate toxins from the body, it can also help you feel full. Thus, when the pains of hunger strike, try drinking a glass of water before you hit the snack.
High-fiber, whole grains - Whole grains in general in fiber and help boost the nutritional value of your meal. One of the easiest ways to give your daily diet a boost of whole grains is to have a dish with the highest content of fiber, whole grains such as breakfast or a snack.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Superfoods for a Super Long Life

Superfoods for a Super Long Life

Recent research shows that specific chemicals in foods -- such as sulforaphane, a phytochemical in broccoli -- work with your genes to ratchet up your body's natural defense systems, helping to inactivate toxins and free radicals before they can do the damage that leads to cancer, cardiovascular disease, and even premature aging.
And the hope for the future is to be able to tell someone what diseases or maladies they are might be genetically predispositioned to early on, so their diets can be focused accordingly. We’ll know which ones to add, which ones to avoid, and be able to take a proactive role in preventing or deterring a genetic disease. In the meantime, many foods have been determined to pack a punch to the aging process.
Lycopene, the pigment that makes tomatoes red, also appears to reduce risk for cardiovascular disease, some cancers, and macular degeneration. It’s also been associated in greater self-sufficiency in elderly adults. While fresh tomatoes have a good hit of lycopene, the most absorbable forms are found in cooked tomato products, such as spaghetti sauce and soup and prepared salsas. Pink grapefruit, guava, red bell peppers, and watermelon are also rich in lycopene.

Eating at least two cups of orange fruits like sweet potatoes, squash and carrots boosts intake of beta-carotene, which converts to vitamin A, essential for healthy skin and eyes, and which may also reduce the risk of some cancers, cardiovascular disease, and osteoporosis. Lutein and lycopene, also found in orange produce, also help reduce the risk of macular degeneration and may protect skin from sun damage and even reduce wrinkling as well. Mangos and cantaloupes are also beta-carotene endowed.

And if you don’t do anything else to change your diet, eat your dark leafy greens. They have been showed to significantly reduce your risk for heart disease and may also save your eyesight. Dietary guidelines advise at least three cups of greens a week. Frozen or bagged is as good as fresh.

Don’t forget the mental aging process either. The heart-healthy omega 3 fatty acids have also recently been shown to keep your brain sharp. A recent study found that a higher intake of fatty fish significantly reduced mental decline. If fresh fish isn't an option, go for canned tuna, salmon, and sardines.
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